Senator Feinsteins Chinese Spy Identified Russell Lowe Was OFFICE MANAGER

Senator Feinsteins Chinese Spy Identified Russell Lowe Was OFFICE MANAGER (

by smokratez to politics (+33|-0)

Coincidence? Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy For 20 Years as Her Husband Raked in Millions in Chinese Business

Coincidence? Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy For 20 Years as Her Husband Raked in Millions in Chinese Business (

by Scrooblemeyer to news (+14|-0)

WHAT A COINCIDENCE: CHINA Murdered or Imprisoned 20 CIA Operatives and Sources While Senator Dianne Feinstein Had a Chinese Spy as Office Manager

WHAT A COINCIDENCE: CHINA Murdered or Imprisoned 20 CIA Operatives and Sources While Senator Dianne Feinstein Had a Chinese Spy as Office Manager (

by Scrooblemeyer to news (+12|-0)

Chinese officials announced Friday the country tested its first hypersonic flight vehicle capable of carrying nuclear weapons -- and allegedly able to penetrate any missile defense system (

 by nusto to news (+5|-0)

Feinstein's Chinese Spy Listed as "Office Manager" on Payroll, Not Driver

Feinstein's Chinese Spy Listed as "Office Manager" on Payroll, Not Driver (

 by Dirty_Money to news (+12|-0)